Manufacturing and sales of textile products for Daycare, Preschool and Home daycare

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514-321-2463   1-877-321-2463

We strive to offer a complete and personalized service, thus we do not believe an internet store would provide you with that level of service.

An order form can be found on the Products page.


We prefer to talk to you over the phone.

It allows us to better understand your needs, offer you the best options and even possibly develop a product for you.


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You can reach us Monday to Friday


from 9:00 to 5:00 Eastern time




1-877-321-2463 (toll free)




Visits by appointment!

Products for Daycares, Pre-Schools and home daycares

Équipement pour cpe, équipement pour garderie, fournitures pour cpe, fournitures pour garderie, Petite enfance, CPE, garderie, service de garde scolaire, milieu familial, rsg, Masques, masques artisanal, artisanal mask, mask, dossard, dossard cpe, dossard garderie, dossard enfant cpe, dossard enfant garderie, dossard sport, serpentin, serpentin de marche, tablier, tablier cpe, tablier garderie, tablier à manche, bavoir, bavettes, bavoir à manche, literie cpe, literie garderie, couverture, oreiller, drap housse pour matelas de sieste, drap contour, matelas de sieste, matelas dodo, matelas cpe, matelas garderie. chaisière, chaisière éducatrice, toge, toge enfant, toge et mortier, graduation, couvre botte, couverture mylar, daycare, pinny, pinnies, daycare pinnies, daycare mattress, home daycare, daycare strollers, strolling snake, walking snake, linen, daycare linen, early childhood, early childhood products, graduation gowns, child care, child care products, day care pinny, learning centers, bibs, blanket, smocks, day care supplies,

Confection Guylaine Beaucage 2025